Light And Fluffy Yogurt Souffle Cake

Light And Fluffy Yogurt Souffle Cake


Light And Fluffy Yogurt Souffle Cake / How To Make / Cup Measurement

Hello all, here is the light and fluffy souffle yogurt cake recipe (for 16cm / 6in round cake pan):

3 eggs (each egg is 60g including shell)
200g Greek yogurt (3/4 cup)
30ml vegetable oil (2 tbsp)
15ml honey (1 tbsp)
20g all purpose flour (2 tbsp)
18g corn starch (2 tbsp)
1 tsp lemon juice
a pinch of salt
60g sugar

Bake it with hot water bath in preheated oven (top and bottom heat only, no fan, put the cake at the lowest rack) 150C for 50 minutes

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