Quick Easy Tiramisu (Eggless)

Quick Easy Tiramisu (Eggless)

Quick Easy Tiramisu (Eggless) -  Bánh Tiramisu nhanh (không trứng)

This is the quick tiramisu recipe (it takes about 10 minutes to prepare) so I skipped the egg yolks. And please make it in advance as the tiramisu need to be chilled in the fridge at least 6 hour before serving.

The recipe for 6 servings (23 x 14 x 4 cm pan)

4 shots espresso (total 240ml) or 2 tbsp instant coffee + 240ml (1 cup) hot water
2 tbsp rum (skippable)
1 tbsp sugar

1 package Ladyfingers or 20 – 29 pieces (175g)

250g mascarpone cheese
3 tbsp sugar
250ml (1 cup) chilled heavy cream
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
cocoa powder (about 1 – 2 tbsp)

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